EUMA has become full member of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

10 Nov 2020

EUMA has become full member of the European Environmental Bureau (EEB)

EEB is the largest network of environmental organisations in Europe. There are over 160 members in more than 35 countries. EEB is advocating sustainable development, environmental justice and participatory democracy.
EUMA’s membership will bring a strong environmental twist to the way our members tackle mountaineering. In these times when nature is being challenged from all over, the attitude of a mountaineer cannot reduce itself to mere contemplation or sportsmanship. Mountains and its communities are in the first line to feel the effects of climate change and the utter lack of sustainability of mass tourism. Hence each mountaineer a burden of responsibility aiming at protecting the alpine environment, internalising the scientific truth of climate change, and promoting conservationism.
These are values that EUMA is sharing wholeheartedly and its membership in the EEB will presuppose an enlargement of mountaineering activities from an environmental perspective.

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